Performing Arts, Culture and Music: Benalla Theatre Company
Location - BARC Huts 63-64 at Benalla Aerodrome Complex
Child Safe Policy
Benalla Theatre Company has a Child Safe policy, code of conduct and procedures for our company.
Please be supportive and adhere to these so we can keep children who are involved in our company safe. If you wish to read all of our documents, please contact the Secretary who will email them out to you.
2017 Production:
Benalla Theatre Company is thrilled to announce that our musical for 2017 is the classic Anything Goes.
The show features songs like Blow Gabriel Blow, It’s De-Lovely, I Get a Kick out of You, You’re the Top and of course the title song.
There will be 7 performances over 2 weekends. Dates are 28th July, 29th July, 30th July, 4th and 5th August 2017.
So put the dates in your diary now! More information can be obtained be contacting Emily Watt on 0400 639 536.
What a wonderful opportunity to be in one of the most loved musicals of all time. Now is the time to start thinking about who else you can ask to come and be in the show with you! Do you have other family members that would like to be involved? Friends? Neighbours? Workmates? Start talking it up and let’s get a great group of people involved.
An Audition Information Pack, a list of Characters and Audition Dialogues can here downloaded from our website.
As well as on stage, we are of course looking for people to help backstage. Do you know of someone who can build and would like to help with sets? Do you know someone who can sew and can help with costumes? If you do, have a chat with them and see if they would like to come aboard (pun intended) and help the show come together.
Book at Benalla Performing Arts Convention Centre, 57 Samaria Rd, Benalla 3672, Victoria
Phone : 03 5762 5515
Contact Details
Emily WattPh: 0400 639-536
social media:
Postal Address
PO Box 2Benalla Victoria 3671
Site Address
BARC Huts 63-64 Airport ComplexHanger Lane, Airport Complex
Benalla, Victoria 3672