Volunteering Services: Connect9 Volunteers Tomorrow Today Foundation
Tomorrow Today is always looking for adults who enjoy helping Benalla's young people as part of our Education Benalla Program. Connect9 Mentors work with Year 9 students over 10 weeks in a structured program, once per week, to help them achieve better outcomes in life. Programs are conducted in Terms 2 (April to June) and Term 3 (July to September). Keeping the needs of the young person in mind, we connect you to a young person matching your work or personal background, your interests and skills.

Contact Details

Janene Humphries
Ph: (03) 5762-1211
email: janenehumphries@tomorrowtoday.com.au
website: http://www.tomorrowtoday.com.au
social media: https://www.facebook.com/TomorrowTodayAU/

Postal Address

Shop 10
66 Nunn Street
Benalla Vic 3672

Site Address

Tomorrow Today
Shop 7b 66 Nunn Street
Benalla, Victoria 3672

Operating Days & Times

After hours, normally Tuesday or Wednesday evenings.


Referee Checks, Working With Children Check, Drivers Licence (must have at least green p plates), Mentors car must have full comprehensive insurance, familiarity with Benalla community, completion of 2 hour training and successful interview.


None, some incidental costs may be incurred. Tomorrow Today supplies mentor with petrol voucher to assist.

Age Ranges

Over 19 Years old.

Wheelchair Access Provided
