Carer Information and Services: Carers & Parents Support Group Inc.
Carers & Parents Support Group Inc. (CPSG) provides information, advocacy, referral and support to carers, parents & families of adults (18+ years) with an Intellectual Disability and/or Dual Disability living within the Ovens Murray area.
Monthly Cuppa, Cake & Chat mornings are held on a Tuesday or Thursday of first week of Month (10 a.m. - 12 p.m.) at various Benalla cafe's & venues. Speakers of interest maybe invited to share information at these gatherings.
CPSG coordinate carer workshops partnering with other like minded organisations i.e. CarersVic, EACH, Benalla Carers Group on topics i.e. Carers; NDIS transition & implementation; Legal, Guardianship & Relationship issues.
Each year CPSG plan other social activities to promote carer to carer support i.e. pamper day, bus trips to Yaarawonga, Bright, Albury, Nagambie or Cobram for lunch & cruise on Cobba.
We are part of a network of Carer Support Groups across Victoria linking with carers in Numurkah, Wangaratta & Mansfield on a regular basis.
"Carers Supporting Carers" Newsletters are distributed bi-monthly, and carer information is passed on via email weekly.
Contact Details
Mrs Sally MartinPh: 0409 167-037
social media:
Site Address
Cecily Court5A Cecily Court 66 Nunn Street
Benalla, Victoria 3672
Operating Days & Times
Office hours are Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 8.30am. - 4pm.Eligibility
Carers, Parents and families of Adults (18+ years) with an Intellectual &/or Dual DisabilityFees
No fee for service.Social Activities, Bus Trips & Lunches will carry a small cost.
Age Ranges
No Age Limit for Carer - family member with an Intellectual and/or Dual Disability to be 18 - 65 yrs.Wheelchair Access Provided
YesNo Map Available