Volunteering Services: Benalla Costume and Kelly Museum Volunteers
The Benalla Costume and Kelly Museum was founded in 1967 and is accredited through the Museum Accreditation Program (Vic). It is the only public costume museum of its kind in Victoria. It is managed entirely by volunteer members of Benalla Historical Society Inc. and is a splendid example of how the skills of an enthusiastic and talented group can produce excellence.

Contact Details

The Secretary
Ph: (03) 5762-1749
email: benallamuseum@gmail.com
website: http://home.vicnet.net.au/~benmus/

Site Address

Benalla Costume Museum
14 Mair Street
Benalla, Victoria 3672

Operating Days & Times

For more information contact the Secretary on (03) 5762 1749

Wheelchair Access Provided


Other services Offered by Benalla Costume and Kelly Museum

Other Services at this Site