Employment and Training Services: Jobactive
We provide a broad suite of employment programs that makes us unique in our industry. Our staff are experienced in delivering services to job seekers and we can even combine programs to find the best solution for you.
With CVGT Australia as your job partner, you can look forward to a smooth transition from school to work, apprenticeships or traineeships, job to job or returning to the workplace with confidence.
Helping job seekers find a job and employers attract new staff that meet their needs. To access jobactive you must be registered with Centrelink and be receiving benefits. If you’re not currently with Centrelink, don’t worry, we can advise you on how to register or offer a service to help you develop your resume and provide you access to some of our facilities to search for a job.
Contact Details
Ms Melissa QuilliamPh: 13-2848
email: mquilliam@cvgt.com.au
website: https://www.cvgt.com.au/
Postal Address
26 Bridge St EastBenalla, Vic 3672
Site Address
Head Office26 Bridge Street East
Benalla, Victoria 3672
Operating Days & Times
Monday to Friday9am - 5pm
Jobactive eligbleFees
Funded by Federal GovernmentAge Ranges
15 - 65Wheelchair Access Provided
NoOther services Offered by CVGT
Other Services at this Site
- Disability Employment and Training Services