Aged Care Accommodation Services: ACHA (Assistance with Care and Housing for the Aged)

aged 70 and over (but the service is not limited to this age group)
living in insecure housing or homelessness
Contact Details
Ms Trinity LonelPh: 0458 388 259
Postal Address
40-42 Rowan StreetWangaratta Vic 3676
Site Address
Head Office40-42 Rowan Street
Wangaratta, Victoria 3677
Operating Days & Times
Services are provided according to our program guidelines and response capacity at any given timeOffice hours are Monday to Friday 8:30am until 5:00pm
Priority is given to those experiencing a frailty/disability associated with becoming older e.g. health problems, reduced mobility and/or capacity to undertake daily tasks (e.g. washing, cleaning,shopping) as well as increasing isolationFees
Service offered is free and confidentialAge Ranges
People aged 70 and overWheelchair Access Provided
YesOther services Offered by Salvation Army
- Outreach Connections - General
- Crisis Assessment and Referral Service
- Supported Accommodation Assistance Programs
- Case Management
Other Services at this Site
- Welfare Assistance and Support Services
- Crisis and Emergency Accommodation
- Aged Care Accommodation Services