Welfare Assistance and Support Services: Outreach Connections - General

1. We go out to meet our clients where they are living to:
Talk with them to understand their circumstances and needs
Provide support which responds to their situation and attempts to meet specific needs
2. We try to improve community connections e.g assist clients to access other welfare services and/or participate in social and recreational activities.
Our services are centred on our clients and their needs.We want to assist those we support to be more independent (of the welfare system), confident and hopeful.
Contact Details
Ms Trinity LonelPh: 0458 388 259
email: trinity.lonel@aus.salvationarmy.org.au
website: http://www.salvationarmy.org.au
Postal Address
40-42 Rowan StreetWangaratta Vic 3676
Site Address
Head Office40-42 Rowan Street
Wangaratta, Victoria 3677
Operating Days & Times
Services are provided according to our program guidelines and response capacity at any given timeOffice hours are Monday to Friday 8:30am until 5:00pm
A non-discriminatory service available to those under 50. Priority is given to those experiencing frailty/disability, health problems, reduced mobility and/or capacity to undertake daily tasksFees
No feesAge Ranges
Those under 50 years of age who meet our elibility criteriaWheelchair Access Provided
YesOther services Offered by Salvation Army
- Crisis Assessment and Referral Service
- Supported Accommodation Assistance Programs
- Case Management
- ACHA (Assistance with Care and Housing for the Aged)
Other Services at this Site
- Crisis and Emergency Accommodation
- Aged Care Accommodation Services