Meeting the needs of children and making sure they are safe in the family is a shared responsibility between individuals, the family, the community and the government. When adults caring for children do not follow through with their responsibilities, are abusive or exploit their positions of power, then it is the child protection system that becomes responsible for taking action.
The Victorian Child Protection Service is specifically targeted to those children and young people at risk of harm or where families are unable or unwilling to protect them.
The main functions of child protection are to:
investigate matters where it is alleged that a child is at risk of harm refer children and families to services that assist in providing the ongoing safety and wellbeing of children take matters before the Children's Court if the child's safety cannot be ensured within the family supervise children on legal orders granted by the Children's Court provide and fund accommodation services, specialist support services, and adoption and permanent care to children and adolescents in need.
Mandatory reporting of child abuse
Some professionals such as doctors, nurses, police and school teachers are legally obliged to report suspected child abuse. In addition, any person who believes on reasonable grounds that a child needs protection can make a report to the Victorian Child Protection Service. It is the Child Protection worker’s job to assess and, where necessary, further investigate if a child or young person is at risk of harm.
Child Protection Emergencies
Call 131 278 After Hours
Call 1800 648 227 Business Hours
Call Intake number 1800 650 227
Call CP Unit - Rowan Street,
Wangaratta 03 5722 0555
Call New South Wales 1800 135 135
Contact Details
After Hours Phone
Ph: 131 278