If you are facing homelessness, at risk of losing your private rental or need an affordable place to live, BeyondHousing can help.
BeyondHousing is the largest community housing organisation within the Goulburn and Ovens Murray regions of Victoria; providing housing to over 950 people and services to more than 4500 people in our community.
BeyondHousing is committed to addressing homelessness, supporting people in housing stress and increasing the supply of affordable housing.
Contact Details
Beyond Housing reception in Wangaratta
Ph: 03 5722 8000
Postal Address
40 - 42 Rowan Street
Wangaratta Victoria 3677
Site Address
40 - 42 Rowan Street
Wangaratta, Victoria 3677
Operating Days & Times
Monday - Friday
Need urgent out of hours assistance? Please call: 1800 825 955
Wheelchair Access Provided